
Tag Archives: radio

Seoul radio station TBS gave [b]racket some air time last week. Our multiple hat-wearing support team member Julian voiced the motivations, intentions and hopes for our magazine to the public. Take a listen to the radio spots below to hear the whole story of the origins of [b]racket, and why we treat treat the magazine as a “portable gallery” for all of our readers to enjoy. You can also learn a bit more about a few of Daegu’s smaller art gems such as The Pollack bookstore and Gallery [t.]

As Julian mentions in the following clips, we’ve “published 14 issues, held art shows for artists at Keimyung University, found support from Daegu Gyeoungbuk Design Center (DGDC), and started a gallery space” all in just a little over a year. Not bad for a little Daegu art mag, huh?

All of this cannot be mentioned without a huge, echoing THANK YOU to everyone who has picked up an issue of [b]racket, attended our shows at Keimyung University’s Black Gallery or Gallery [t.], contributed their art or writing or time, or advertised with us. There are no self-made men (or magazines), and we know that without all of you art lovers we wouldn’t have come nearly this far.


– Lisa Highfill

On July 1st, [b]racket’s editor Jess Hinshaw was interviewed on the Korean radio station PBC 93.1. The Korean interview begins at 26:00. The interview with Jess begins at 27:20. The interview is mostly in Korean, so this is a perfect opportunity to go out and make that Korean-speaking pal you’ve been telling yourself to get. Art – it brings people together.

~ Kita Mendolia